Anti-tile for Cycles

Hi everyone, I just released a new cycles addon to make procedural anti-tiling much much easier.

I’m sure you’ve all had to go through the struggle of textures looking like this:

The repeating pattern is a common problem across all textures, seamless or not.

Anti-tile takes a given image node and converts it into a triple layer procedurally blended image, to remove repetitive artifacts. One click to convert or one click to revert (if you need to change the image):


It has lots of other great features, such as per object random and same material, same mapping. More information in the link below.

Also a discount for early adopters this launch week only :slight_smile:


Hi everyone, I have just released a free update to Blender 2.8 / Eevee for this addon!

Video demo here:

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This is awesome, thankyou for this addon. Oh it is a time saver. :slight_smile:

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Glad to hear it is useful for you!
If you have any other suggestions to make it better let me know :slight_smile:

Hi everyone, Anti-tile is currently 25% off on the Blender Market!
This means you can get the Eevee update at a cheaper price :slight_smile:

If you missed the last sale you can still get it cheap for the first week of february 2019!
20% off anti-tile + all my other products using code FEB2019 (valid until 7/2/2019)

Also added to gumroad if people prefer this to buying through the blender market.

I love this addon but notice it doesn’t work inside a group. Is there a reason for this or could it be fixed?

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If I get some time over the next week or so I’ll have a look at implementing it! There is also a small bug that causes errors in the console if you delete an object, so this will be a good excuse to combine both for a more significant update :slight_smile:

The reason Anti-tile doesn’t work within groups is because it only checks the material node tree, not the node trees of groups (as this could be recursive). This means even though you are viewing a node group, Anti-tile only sees 1 node group selected on the top layer.
This should be relatively easy to implement (theoretically), but for now you will need to ungroup(alt+g), apply Anti-tile and then regroup (ctrl+g).

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Thanks for the explanation and workaround. No pressure, but it would definitely make it that much easier to use!

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Have just pushed out an update for Anti-tile on BM and Gumroad!

This update includes:

  • node group support (infinite levels)
  • console bug fix
  • better unused node cleanup

2.79: Anti-tile v1.5
2.80: Anti-tile Eevee v1.3

You can download the update for free from the product page!

If you have any other questions, comments or requests let me know :smile:

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How does this addon differ from this free node group?

Cool node setup, I haven’t seen this one before!

There are quite a few significant differences, here are some examples:

Chaos mosaic works great for undetailed textures where you can’t notice if the orientation has changed.
The concrete texture example shows that it works quite well everywhere except the seams. The solution presented by the creator was basically just mixing 2 layers on top of each other, at which point you can forget any considerable texture detail.
Any textures with lines have no chance with this node-group.

Other advantages of Anti-tile:

  • 1 click deployment / removal (instantly built with code)
  • Debug mode (so you can visualize texture distribution)
  • Multi-image deployment / removal
  • Node Group deployment / removal
  • Continued updates and product support

Seeing them side by side like that there is a great improvement with yours. Thanks for the comprison. I might have to think about buying yours now.

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Thank you! what a fast turn around!

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Amazing Addon, just bought it and now my plaster wall looks like a real un-tiled plaster wall.
Thank you for this addon.

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Fantastic, I’m glad you found the addon useful :smile:

I think the big benefit of your Addon is the neat node group. Makes it quick and easy to use, without messing up the shader editor.

My anti-tile nodes look super messy, even though they are as quick to operate, since I also instance the image textures:

The results are comparable I think - but to be honest, I hardly use mine myself, cause it just looks too overwhelming. :rofl:

Anti-tile has a few more benefits than just clean node group deployment :slightly_smiling_face:

  • 1 click deployment / removal immediately available.
  • optimized calculations (minimal color operations)
  • debug mode
  • stable parameters (no fragile color ramps)
  • per object randomization
  • automatic linking to global value properties
  • 2.81 support
  • use any image node you like
  • removal clean up
  • lifetime product support and updates

…that’s why yours is worth some money, and mine not. :smile: