I’m trying to model mid-poly vehicles, But even when I use reference, The models end up looking terrible, Here is a screenshot of my current model:
Don’t poly model, use NURBs curves
Model.each panel as a separate panel. Cars aren’t 3D printed as a single piece.
It’s gonna be even worst for the first time trying to do that kind of surfacing , but with practice and good guides online he should be able to get something good…
Yes exactly, model a guide surface first (but more high poly by 1 additional level of subdivision than the target, or is gonna have a faceted result) and use snap face nearest or shrinkwrap modifier (or both rather) to obtain the base shape and then apply other details on top of that, and any case use a vertex group to mask any unwanted areas… And ofc shrinkwrap before subdivision, and if needed apply one level subdivision on your cage object but save a copy of the original one just case you need to revert something…
You mean NURBS in Blender? If yes then forget it - tools are terrible.
Look up “Grid Fill” for blender. That would help with the doors. Also no triangles. Ever.
Hi @Hsyenoh05, welcome to the fourm!
As others have said, you want to do away with triangles and n-gons (faces with 5 or more verts) and stick with quads, or square faces with only 4 verts.
I’d do the side door area something like this
With all quads. You also need verts and edges where the door seams are.
I model a car as one part, with verts and edges defining where the hood, doors, trunk seams should be. This gives me the basic shape. Then I select the verts that are the door, and separate them into a new object, then refine the shape of the new object.
Hope this helps and feel free to ask questions,
People really do often overlook the fact that tutorials for other software can be of value.
Yess indeed there was a time… before blender… … this may be even marked B.B. …
Yeah I used to watch Arrimus3d tutorials from YouTube (before he deleted them though ) which is all 3dsmax and now adding some blender.
Yepp… nothing is forever and you also can’t “store” everything… …this reminds me… i wanted to “upgrade” my (procedure to make) notes… since… forever… ( i also had seen some awesome car modeling tips and tricks and collected some of them… somewhere… on any HD… i might even still have )
Arrimus3d deleted his tutorials?!
This is sad news His videos helped me so much when I essentially had to switch to 3dsMax overnight from Maya for my first games job (studio mandated )
His newer videos are probably still good — I’m just sad about losing the ones that helped me personally
Mid-poly doesnt that much different from classic modeling for subd.
With such extrimely long and thin triangle on curved surfaces you would never get proper looking mid-poly model even with normal transfer tricks.
Make topology more even.