Any blender users in the UK Join our map!?

I like the spread of users, there is a large group down south… and then just me up north :stuck_out_tongue:

hehehe gotta love that map :slight_smile:

I reckon if we can get 20 names on board we should aim for a centrally located meetup!


Second that.

good idea on the map.

Triple that.

20 people? I think you should aim lower!

you think- I arbitrarily plucked the figure from the ether on the grounds of what sounded like enough people to make it worth everyone hauling their cookies cross country. What number would you go for?


Well, only six of us seem to be following this thread! and then we’re spread out quite a bit… so it seems the likely hood of getting even 20 users to post here is tough, o get them to actually agree on a meeting place is slimmer…

perhaps, just spitballing here, if we could get some gallery space and do an exhibition of blender works … or works done with open source or something… that means more commitment from those involved –> more likely to attend plus has a bigger draw for others to get involved too… just maybe it could gain enough interest to actually happen…


The title says UK, the map says England…(…and Wales) :eyebrowlift2:

I like the sound of this bit:-

Is that you Dean? :confused: Edit, no you aren’t who i thought you were.

Yeah, as my location says i live in Crackington haven. Just south of Bude.

I live in Harlow (currently), about 1 hour from London:)

Im afraid im no Dean, im just north of bude. Friend of John Mar…?

perhaps, just spitballing here, if we could get some gallery space and do an exhibition of blender works … or works done with open source or something… that means more commitment from those involved –> more likely to attend plus has a bigger draw for others to get involved too… just maybe it could gain enough interest to actually happen…

This sounds like a pretty good idea.

To be honest I’d only be willing to travel if something like this were to materialize as it would cost a me a small fortune to travel down south.

I live in Tamworth.

I haven’t had time to do much with Blender lately, but as Michael W suggests a get together with a small show of works or exhibition would be a great idea.

that’s a great idea- for me it’d be a spur to get a load of work together as I only just came back to Blender after a long period learning Maya.

My heavy workload means I won’t be able to take this anywhere until half term (the life of the teacher!). If anyone IS keen to do so then great, otherwise I am happy to revisit it in 4-5 weeks. In the meantime if w can bounce ideas around, by the time I could arrange things, we might have something to arrange!


Hi guys a new blender user here, Just jumped ship from a long time using XSI. I’m based near Falmouth Cornwall.



Im in newcastle too, anyone else?

No :smiley: i know quite a few Johns - J Kenny, J Nex, J Leese, J Jackson but no John Mar.

Sorry to be a noob but how do I add myself?

I’m not from the UK but to the Newcastle guy, I’m a big fan of your fine brown ale. It only needs to be stuck in a brown bottle to survive the long trip across the Atlantic.

Sorry for the OT.

I’m in Derby…sigh!