Any ideas to make it more appealing/realistic?

horizon? like this?

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i’ve made another one with alternative lightings and background.

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What do you think, did it help?

Personally, not a big fan of the new background. It lacks contrast, white seagulls on a white back ground. It’s like looking at a white piece of paper and being told it’s a polar bear in a snow storm…

But I’m not a trained artist and that’s just my opinion…



thanks for the tip, it helped!
you’re right, I’ll keep that in mind next time!
again! Thanks for the Advice! :hugs:

the wings are too straight and stiff, maybe one or 2 of them like that is fine but all of them looks odd.

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oh I got it! thanks!

Maybe use layerweight for the water? The nearer to horizon the more reflective the water are

I think this is a cute image overall. If you are looking for more realism it would help to make different wing poses for the seagulls. It would be unlikely that so many of them have that very similar pose. The wing tips could have more motion blur, as they move faster than the base part of the wing.
I also would add a slight gradient to the sky ( and it’s reflection ).