Any other way of thickening surface?


When thickening a complicated curved surface using solidify, the edges always go crazy.

Is there any way to get smooth and ‘rounded’ edges after thickening the surface?

blender commu3

Second picture is after solidify and the margin consists of ‘line-like’ surfaces.
What i want is like in the third picture(which is from other software). The margin consists of small triangular vertexs like in other part of the surface and it’s a bit rounded than that by solidify.

Had you tried different extrude methods (in edit mode → right panel)? Or to use solidify out instead of in (by changing the float number from + to -) ?

Thanks for the answer.
Extrude method thickens surfaces in fixed direction so I think it’s not what I want, But I’ll try if it’s better than solidify.
I want to thicken in outward direction so I guess it’s right to choose +.

Have you checked yr mesh beforehand to see if your normals are all facing in the correct direction?
Have you recalculated outside?

You cand extrude by face normals with a simple geonode, like this.

Also, what yr output? 3d printing?, are you looking for a manifold mesh?

Hope that helps

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you can blur the result afterwards like this to smooth out…

Or you can press Alt+E?


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Yeah, but thats destructive!

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Or u can use the left side panel and choose from extrude parameters for the same result, but I think AlphaChannel’s method is better in that case.

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It really is there too! Somehow that panels (aside from sculpt mode) is invisible to my eyes.


/me runs off to see what other tools “hide” in this panel

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Thanks for the answer.
My output was for 3d printing as you guessed.
I’m a novice blender user so I just mimicked your geometry nodes but not so good in my case.
Extrude method was better than solidify in my case but as I said, it extrudes in only one direction and it gets worse when using manifold extrude.
I had no clue with my model at the end but I got the best result using solidify ‘after making the model as a closed surface’.

Have you considered using the inflate mode of the mesh brush in sculpt mode? It extrudes each face in an equal, outward direction. Might give you the results you’re looking for. However it is a destructive method.