Any tips for getting my 3d model (on right) to look more like the reference character (on left)?

I’ve tried a lot of different variations with surface emission but can’t quite get the flames to hug his skin at the right density like in the reference. Also haven’t gotten there yet but when it comes to adding the hat and gun belts, is there a good way to have them clearly visible through the flames?

I can think of two ways to get there, one with a toon type shader, the other with Grease Pencil. I haven’t done either, so this is just “book” knowledge.

Anime fire, which would work for this style:

Hand-drawn Fire with particle system in Grease Pencil:

Sorry I can’t be of more direct help, but if nobody else comes along, this might get you started.


That’s fantastic advice actually, thank you! I’m definitely a lot closer to the look I want now with that anime fire tutorial. Struggling a little with applying it a particle system though (Total noob so never used particles before).

I think part of the problem is I’m not sure how to have the bases of the flames grow out from the surface the body, so they don’t look so clumped. In the reference image the flames are mostly blowing backward as well, but couldn’t seem to get it like that using rotation.

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For “artistic” depiction of flames, maybe the better idea will be using polygonal cards with opacity and scrolling texture. When you scroll 2 different texture masks in different directions, then add their output together and clip it (Greater Than node), you get quite convincing flame animation. Will require good knowledge of material nodes to pull this in Blender though