Any way for custom/extracted curves to have handles like actual curves?

The big curve is a converted curve from the shape i modeled. that shape needed o curve inward keeping that modeled shape.

So the small curve is a simple line curve i used to model the inward curve i need.

thing is, because the small one has handles, it was easy for me to control the exact inward curve i need. but i cant seem have those handles if i extend the big one on y axis.

any help?

here’s the blend file if you need to see it for yourself

test.blend (1.1 MB)

in edit mode, select all (A), Curve > Set Spline Type > Bezier … i think it’s set to Poly initially, and doesn’t have control points in the way you’re thinking.

yeah that kinda wasnt what i was looking for.

see the start and end points of the second curve?

i just want the big line as the starting and ending points, so the “shape” remains but the start and the end points act as “one”. i dont need the line’s individual verts as curve points.

that particular curve, as is, can’t be done with just two points. you can get it to fewer control points, like around 5 or so, by Curve>Decimate. if you prefer the ‘big line’ style, change the control points as well, experiment with the choices to get what you’re after (they can all be different if you like)

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what about i just want to run that line as a mesh along the small curve’s shape?

like say the mesh follows that curve’s path?

The would be a job for the curve to mesh node, or the “old” bevel method in the curve data properties