Any way to add custom icons to the icon sheet

Is there any way, without compiling blender myself, to add custom icons to the existing icon list (or sheet, if there is a single file somewhere)? I know I can use Serpens to add interface elements with custom image icons but what about adding those custom icons so the rest of Blender can see them. It still feels weird using an addon to create an addon just to add interface elements to Blender. Having used Maya, Houdini and C4D I’ve never dealt with this. It seems trivial but probably the blender devs are focused on other work than UI/UX

All the icons are stored as meshes in a hidden icons.blend file in the program data, so presumably it should be simple to modify that blend file, but I’m not sure how the actual read process works

I think this only applies to tool icons, those in the toolbar? and even this process is being phased out, tool icons will be SVG starting with 4.3 (I think?)
The icon sheet itself (the one in @pixelmonk’s message) is a single SVG if I remember correctly


Thanks I’ll keep digging.

update. yup it looks like they’ve started making changes and it begins with 4.3:

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