Any way to create single bathroom tile material from multiple tile images?

I’m doing spa renders to test different tiles and using real images from the manufacturer. They usually provide 4-6 images to give variation to the tiles. Previously I just built the tiling in photoshop but I’d rather skip that and do the tiles directly in blender.

To avoid 4-6 different materials for each styles, is there any way to to create single material that has multiple different images that I could easily assign or randomize to different faces using that material?

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There’s some tricks in this thread that might help:

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Personally, I would create a new node group…consisting of several principled BSDF shaders, with color inputs and outputs…

then outside the group…you connect each of the tile textures you wish to use and plug them into the color-01 etc… ( you can increase the number of textures by duplicating the Principled Shader in the node group, and connecting the inputs and outputs)

and you can switch outputs to see each tile you wish to use…

Multi-texture.blend (893.8 KB)