Any way to turn off vertices and edges in edit mode and still see selected

While I am working edit mode how can I turn off the black verts and edges but still see my orange selections that I make?


Mesh Menu hide un-selected.

Thanks for the reply Dnorman,

What I want to do is hide the verts and edges while I work in edit mode, but when I do a selection I do want to be able to see the selection highlight

Just try what @DNorman said… hide the unselected while seeing the selected… after this you can deselect and select whatever you want until you may want to unhide all ( alt-H)… it’s what you described…

I just don’t want the wire fame an vertex dot displayed in the edit mode viewport , I do want to see a shaded object that I can work with. Of course then I still want the selections to highlighted.

I simply just want to turn off wire frame and vertex dots in that view port mode?

Is that possible?

Ohhh… no wires ar all… hmmm for this someone hasto change the theme… but not all colors do have also an alpha… so the wire or wired edit color can be changed from black to maybe some middle grey… but not using any alpha (like for example the grid)… to make it invisible…

Change to edge or face selection mode. You are in vertex select mode, that is why you can see them.
I often are using edge mode - just so all those dots vanish.

Have you looked at the themes yet in Preferences? Make your own and start test new colors.
This is Themes > 3D Viewport…

Vertrex Colors

There is edge select there too. Lower its color value and saturation a bit. Face is down lower.
Do not desaturate things too much, or they start looking blank when there is no texture.
Scroll down in that same area, at the bottom is vertex size. Make them smaller, but not invisible.

Vertex, Edge or Face Select mode. You probably want Face.

Vertex Edge or Face

Yes - I am using green and purple… I have messed up color vision. :man_shrugging:t4:

I do not think so in Eevee.
I cycles yes, when in cycles render view if you hide the unslected you can.

Thanks all for the help with that,
I found the best was for me , using face or edge select (that turns off the vert. dots). And then in themes setting the wires edit color to a medium grey. Weird that you just cant turn off wires altogether.