with out it being one from mind craft.
if you do could you please share the link.
I don’t think there’s a specific one for pickaxes but http://cgcookie.com/blender/lessons/1-creating-an-axe/ should adapt just fine for the purpose
There are so many ways to model this. Look at this method; this is how I model it.
First get a good image for you to follow in modeling; note axe have is built with tapered base and oval form. This is the key form you need to create:
Here are the steps:
Pic A: start form 8-sided cylinder with triangular fan cap.
Pic B: make a loop cut around the cylinder, and select bottom features and scale it down.
Pic C: add loop cut by the top.
Pic D: extrude faces out as shown. You can scale the extruded face down as a point or blade. Select the all vertex [A], and then scale it down in Y-axis to make axe head oval.
Pic E: add loop cuts midway pick point extrusion and move them up a little to create curvature. Also add loop cut by pick point extrusion by the body.
Pic F: add subdivision modifier to round it off. You can create the shaft object from new 8-sided cylinder.
Finally, one can add more cuts and refinements to make it more accurate.
I made my owe pickaxe in blender since i could not find a tutorial about making one
I have to add color to it but i think it looks pretty good for my first time learning Blender
Pickaxe.blend (433 KB)