Anyone made this addon? Different output settings for viewport and render

So this is a simple thing I would really like…

I’d like to be able to have different output settings for rendering and viewport rendering.

I want to be able to have Render Output be a JPG sequence in one folder and Viewport Render be an MP4 in another folder.

I’m just asking cos it’s the sort of simple addon that someone could have made and left down the back of the internet somewhere. Thanks.

So you meant the difference between Render Animation and OpenGL Render Animation ?? This was a thing back in 2.79… i think nobody will do such addon nowadays…

…and if you don’t even mentions this then you just made this a bit un-simpler… :person_shrugging:

I mean the difference between
Viewport > View > Viewport Render Animation
(top row of menus) Render > Render Animation

I often want to render an MP4 or an Eevee or Workbench preview so the editor can see how it cuts into everything else before committing to a full on Cycles render.

You can simply create a linked copy of scene and set different output settings for it.


You can edit a render preset file to add format of file and path of Render Output.
For example, you can just paste those two lines to a .py file created by pressing + button in render presets panel.
scene.render.image_settings.file_format = ‘JPEG’
scene.render.filepath = ‘/tmp/new path’
And you will end-up with a render preset to choose for JPEG sequence.
Choose FFMPEG and copy/paste Data Path of more Encoding properties for preset of MP4 output.

Then, that should be easy to write an addon that execute a render preset, launch a viewport render and then execute another render preset to go back to normal or restore memorized properties before viewport render.

Upsi… :sweat_smile: … there it went… to be honest almost never used it (expect in… i believe even in th older 2.49…)… almost funny thing it even survived that long… (if i really want a very very quick preview than i switched to Render Engine: Workspace which also does render the grid, axis outline etc ).

I find that it your working in Eevee it’s about 4 times as fast as a regular render, meaning that it’s now super-useful… though a little limited. No compositing and no motion blur.

To be honest i have to work in Eevee more often… i’m so used to cycles… i was happy when it was indtroduced because to fake everthing (like in the old interneal renderer) means to undertand everthing… new year… new goals… :grin:

Thanks for the idea! I do short animations for instructional purposes and there are always some tweaks to be made in terms of size of the output, quality etc. I have done it the linked blender file way before but it is tedious work. It simply did not occur to med that I could just whip up a preset file containing the changes needed.

Thank you!

And welcome back to the forum!