Anyone remember the Google Ad Texture Prog?

What was that program on Google Ads?
A few months ago the Google Ad bar listed an application for converting images to seemless texture, etc. Does anybody remember the name of the program? Any suggestions on what is a good program for making textures? Thanks,

You can use gimp, there is a filter that makes your image seamless.


I am glad you asked this… I have been itching to give my friend tobias a nice plug…

try this out for all your seamless needs…

the application is free for non-commercial… and 50-80$ for commercial license.

it has filters, generators, modifiers and lots and lots of odd little toys, like a particle system that will record seamless loops of fire/smoke/water/etc…

A small application like terragen to make panoramas and cube maps for nice sky boxes…

the main purpose is for seamless textures

check out this cool toy, for extracting textures from skewed photos!

It also has a Shader editor, so you can preview your textures, without loading a 3d application…

well, anyways, lots of fun for just 1 little application

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I like Genetica

And as irony would have it, I was checking up on this thread and the ad is back. It’s Seamless Texture Generator, . Anybody have experience with this product?

i was looking for it all over the place ;p