Anyway to get the old modifier layout on 4.2 with add-on

Hi forum.

I’m excited to have the new Blender 4.2 version. But one thing which I cant get over for the time being is the new modifier section, with the flying out panels. The older version of Blender which I was on for some time. 3.8, had one panel with all the modifiers to choose from. On the other hand this new version is not so convenient. Maybe I need time to get use to it, but I’d like if there was an add-on or something I can do to have one panel.



You can use also this from Blender Extensions site:

I tried it since 4.2, it’s very nice.
It has the legacy modifier menu plus some smart functions to manage the modifiers (including ‘Favorites’).

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Awesome, solution!

Thank you.

Thank you both for your insight, surely 4.2 is more ergonomic with this add-on.