Apartment building - Archviz

hahah guess so. I think they probably would prefer less enthourage

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Such big px at denoiser? Hmmm, i have to look it to it, because i just used it in a render also with Scatter addon, and on normal 8px grass looks like melted ice creams. How much samples did you render at?

No i skoro wszyscy to wszyscy - zajeb…ty kawałek renderu. Jest klimat, jest światło, jest detal. SUPER

Yes that are the exact values I have used. I’m not an expert and I just try and use different values and found that these yielded best results. I have also used them in my previous skyscraper project and remember that these produced least distortion in quality.

Here is a screen of my denoiser settings:

Wielkie dzięki za zajebiście pozytywny feedback!!! :smiley:

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Well the exact details are as follow:
resolution 3 508 x 4 961 px
samples 800
Rendered for about 5 hours and total work spent on that scene is about 15 hours
This is really a simple scene that i have modeled according to an architectural project.
Here is a screen showing: how the scene looks, settings for volumetrics that is visible on distant trees and postprocessing of the image with glare node in compositor. Lastly added a vignette in gimp by the suggestion of the contractor when i already had made the render :smiley:

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if I had seen this image in another site I would have said that it is V-Ray.

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Thank you! :slight_smile:

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