API Navigator add-on

Axon D, this looks like amazing work! interfaces like this are what help newcomers learn an API quicker.
For instance Adobe have the ExtendScript Toolkit, and elaborte PDF’s written in-house for documenting a lot of their JS features.

I’m not overly familiar with Blender UI, did you consider using a tree scructure like the outliner to display the functions?

It contains all that is in the file and its structure. I was having a problem that is partially resolved just looking at the datablocks. Is this: I have two cubes, in the exact same position and orientation. Then you move one and rotate it too. You read its matrix (object.matrix_local) and write to the other object and you see the other object jumps to the exact same place and orientation.
Well, I wanted then move an object using the matrix of the 3DView. But it didn’t worked. Looking at the datablocks I could see that for a 3DView there is: perspective_matrix, view_matrix, view_location, view_rotation
There is no way to see this with the API Navigator, and also the auto complete feature in the console fails to show it (or I could not figure the way): bpy.context.space_data.region_3d.view_matrix
because when typing in the console the context.space_data is not the 3DView but the console. Same with the API Navigator: the context is the text window.


I think it is probably there somewhere. As you said, if you search in bpy.context.space_data it will not show the 3dview for it is the text editor which is the context. This can lead to a degree of confusion sometimes. And there is still some iterable objects which items aren’t shown. It is the case for where I think you could have find the perspective matrix.

(I don’t know exactly where)

the items list is not shown but, you shold add [x] where x is the 3d view in case that you are in the default screen. This is another problem I’ll have to fix soon.

For the context issue, I am not sure how to solve this. I’ll have to think of it but I cannot garanty that a close solution will emerge.

Broken by a last Api change of today SVN 34598 :

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\BlenderSVN\install\win32-vc\2.56\scripts\addons ext_editor_api_navigator.py”, line 652, in draw
File “C:\BlenderSVN\install\win32-vc\2.56\scripts\modules\bpy\ops.py”, line 179, in call
ret = op_call(self.idname_py(), None, kw)
SystemError: Calling operator “bpy.ops.api_navigator.update” error, can’t modify blend data in this state (drawing/rendering)

location:<unknown location>:-1

Indeed I read something about update … in one of the commits?!

Thank you PKHG for the report. I’ll check that as soon as I have time for that.

By the way, I think it is best to report on the tracker’s page for I would be notified by mail.
Thank you anyway.

I have an account to do something at the ‘tracker’ but cannot see WHERE I can add a new post ;-(???

Hide the obstructing line by a #

Use now: by using the filter first!


In the end we get blenderartists back! I was becoming a little anxious.

Ok the bug has been fixed by Campbell Barton while fixing other scripts for api changes.

Now I just commited a change for the category. The category was “Text Editor”. Now it is “Development”. The file has also changed its name : text_editor_api_navigator.py => development_api_navigator.py so don’t forget to erase the old file cause just pasting it to the folder won’t overwrite it. They will be identified as two different script and will conflict.

PKHG I have an account to do something at the ‘tracker’ but cannot see WHERE I can add a new post ;-(???
In the “Followup” section, go to the end of the conversation. When you’re loged in, there should be a text area called “attach a comment”.

Thank you again for the report.

Tracker problem solved … if I am coming from Blender I can inform about problems
(and Campbell Barton read my ‘complaints’ and solved them all [thanks!])