Append a whole blend file in one go?


just cant find a final answer on this…many say also drag and drop, then click append. but with clicking append or with drag and drop append i get a folder structure to select what i want.

but if i want all the file structure and everything in one go and not everytime a new collection, is there a possibility in 3.5 to do that?

thanks for feedback!


From what I understand, there’s no way to do this, only to use Link or Append

But maybe Link could help you?

Hmm … never thought about this… but it seems here…

…are complete collections appended and i just tried to import the Collection under Scene Collection from another file… and it works… only squirk… it’s now in Collection -> Colection.001

But this doesn’t seem to “import” the render settings… ( but there was also an addon to do exactly that… i think…)

Render settings are inside… scene. So if you happens scene… you should have all of it, included collections.

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Put all your collections in one super-collection, then append that bad boy

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hah, sounds awesome tho

Well. In that case, just open the file and save as copy.

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so if i append everything that is in the supercollection , i have everything else of this scene imported? all the materials , textures , actions , armatures…of the objects ??

Why are you not appending the whole scene then? Its an option. Then all the collections will be available in the working scene with the Add Menu.

where? that exactly was my question… where can i append a whole file??

File > Append > .blend file > Scene folder > .scene file

If I get it right - it’s right there

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Right there :point_up_2:t4: where Sergey said.

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does not work for me. anything wrong in my import settings?

yeah, shit happens, doesn’t work for me either, what could be wrong with it?


I finally figured it out. Seems like it’s works, but not in the way we want it.

After appending a scene you can choose right there:

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ah, ok great, so i can have more than one scen in blender, super new to me :joy: …so from there i can copy paste to my scene… great

Yeah, seems like there’s no way to do this in an easier way, crap

Perhaps maybe some add-on could’ve helped, but I’m not sure if they actually exists…

where ist this add menu he mentioned? to add collections…

Isn’t that that menu I’ve mentioned above?

i think not…if working scene is scene0 and appended scene is scene01…there must be an add button if i´m in working scene0 to add a collection from appended scene1.

thats how i understand it