Appending Files and Character Scaling Frustration

I have had limited success trying to append blends to another blend. I can get the groups thing to work for characters such as BBB and Mancandy but when it comes down to other items such as chairs, desks etc that do not have groups defined I get nothing when choosing Object or mesh. So then I try to define a group in the file I want to import and then import that group - nothing. (I just create a new group, select all the objects I want to add to the group then select add to group - is that right?)

I’m just gettign a little frustrated with Blender at the moment…:frowning:

Another problem I have encountered (2.47) is that when I append a character and rig (link BBB) and then scale it up - it’s fine. I save the file, close it then reopen it and the model is now distorted. Is this a known bug? Is there a way one can scale the model and rig in Blender (ie to get 2 different models created with different scales resized against one another?)



try to do Ctrl-A keys to “apply scale/rotation” before parenting/rigging?!

Nope - get an error message saying it can’t be done to a multi user armature.

I did solve my issue about groups. Using Ctrl + G seemed to work (objects went green - a good sign) Just selecing an object and pressing the button in the button window didn’t cause anything to go green - maybe the button isn’t working!



The button Add to Group only adds the active (last selected object) to a group.

Don’t forget to verify what layer the object is on - it will come in to the new file at the same layer as in the original.