Apple Powerbook

It was one of those “I need something to model” days, when I looked at my powerbook and thought “it looks so simple, it should be real easy to model”, as it turns out it was, but it did take time.
I’m trying to think of an interesting scene to put it in, any ideas?


Nice! My only crit is that the keyboard looks a little too flat, although the shading appears to be correct and true to life.

Maybe that’s just how they are, almost as if you haven’t modelled each key individually (which I’m sure you have :)).

Put it on Bill Gates’ desk.

Could we see a wire?

Yeah, the keys have been modeled individually, but the texture I used was a picture of the keyboard that included shading for the keys, it definitely needs some work on that.
I had an idea of putting a video pf windows booting up, then suddenly the thing explodes…

Nicely done. Aggree with the keyboard.

Well you don’t need Blender for that now as you can boot Win on the MacBook’s now. Only for the explosion you’d need a Dell.
