Apply a copy of an object to each disconnected curve using the curve modifier

The curve modifier allows you to specify a curve object for a given mesh with the modifier applied. However, when the curve object itself has multiple disconnected curves, the modifier seems to pick just one curve.

Is it possible to have a copy of the object for each disconnected curve? A solution with geometry nodes would also be nice; unfortunately, it doesn’t look like there’s any way to use geometry nodes to deform a mesh along a curve.

You can separate the disconnected curve… then there was a way to copy modifiers (onto the separated curve)… but it seems i remember it incorrectly (select the one with mod first or last and then Object-> Link Transfer/Data → Copy Modifer… but doesn’t work …? )…
Silly me… you have to copy (even with duplicate linked) the object (and this includes the modifer) and select the other curve in the curve modifier for it… and not the curve…