Apply Rest Pose as Pose Position

I have a armature is an weird orientation and want to reset the armature to its original rest position. I see that i can set current pose to rest pose, but i want to do the opposite. I have tried clearing all the transforms to no avail. I am using 2.8, can someone tell me how to clear the pose and get back to the rest pose?

Select ALL bones in Pose Mode.
Hit Spacebar, type “Clear Pose” - Select “Clear Pose Transforms” command.
Job done.

Otherwise post the blend file so we can see what else you might have done that you haven’t told us about… :smile:

Cheers, Clock. :beers:

As i mentioned, I am using 2.80. There does not appear to be a clear pose, but i cleared the rotations, scaling, and transform. Cleared all transforms. The space bar does not appear to be set up in tool mode. I have attached the blend file. The edit pose and rest pose are the same. The object mode and pose mode are the same but distorted.
Hudson J-3a Locomotive 06 Test.blend (8.3 MB)

Cheers, Clock. :beers:


I am at my flying club today so will look at your file later.

It’s raining, so I looked, ALL your IK chains are set to 0 length, set them to the actual length the chain…

0 means go all the way back to the root, or first bone, not good if you have multiple IK’ in the same armature.

Cheers, Clock. :beers:


Read this before setting IK constraints: