After doing this, if I select the original one and try to apply the modifier, I cannot because the menu has been disabled. How can I apply it? I want it to be applied to both of them equally.
Modifiers (and Transforms) cannot be applied to an object that shares mesh data-block with another user. And Alt+D creates just that: linked copies.
Either “make single-user”
duplicate with Shift+D
(apparently) Object > Convert > Mesh applies all modifiers to Active Object and updates shared data-block across all users (what? it can do that? I didn’t know that Oo)
While you can’t apply modifiers to object with linked data, nothing stops you from:
1 unlinking data in selected object (make single user)
2 applying modifier on selected object
3 relinking data from selected object to all with previously same data
4 copying modifiers from selected to all objects to remove double modifier effect
If that sounds like a lot of keypresses and menu searching for something like that logically should be one-two clicks then check out modifier list addon: