Approach to modelling curved and aligned objects

Hello fellows, I need an advice from more experienced Blender modellers. What is the best approach to modelling similar to that picture:
How can I align an object to another object with complex shape? Subdivide underlying object, extrude, separate and model from that separated object? Use bend modifier? I think there should be a more elegant approach for tasks like this, but I can’t find it. I would appreciate any help on this subject.

Try using shrinkwrap modifier to wrap the object around another object. Also while modeling ‘snap to faces’ option might come handy. On the top of that solidify modifer will give thickness to your flat mesh.

Yes, shrinkwrap is the answer! Thank you so much! Blender is like a bottomless pit of useful tools. Incredible : )

Model both of them flat, and use a bend modifier to bend both of them.

@jerzygorskiart hey, about that shrinkwrap. I was very excited at first as thought it will work but probably I am doing something wrong. I tried to apply it for my needs, but the results are extra ugly. To eliminate any bad topology or other specific project related issues I created new file just to test the modifier and still can’t get it working. Here what I want to do with it

And here what I get

I tried every setting, but nothing works. Here is my blend file -
Can anyone explain what I am doing wrong here? Or maybe this modifier can’t do that thing at all and I am barking at the wrong tree?
@mrgesy I know that I can do it with bend, but bend is suitable for limited situations only and I am trying to figure out how to deform an object aligning it to the other object with complex shape.

shrinkwrap modifier works only on a flat mesh. It takes every single vertex and projects it on the other object. Thickness is added afterwards with solidify modifier.

Look at my aproach below. I’m also using snap to faces option.

Also it’s very similar workflow to retopology so you might want to check out some tutorials about it like this one:

Thank you very much. The problem indeed was in thickness, I missed that part.

Another method would be to use a lattice to fit it manually to another mesh

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