Arcade Game in the Forest

Hi, I want to share with you my latest personal project, revisiting a model and own design from a few years ago for my arcade video game. I created a fantasy scene in a forest. I hope you like it.

Modeled with Blender, rendered with Cycles.
Arcade Cabinet own design and model, damage shading made with a mix of textures and procedural nodes.
enviroment, retextured assets of photoscaned rocks from sketchfab:
JFN (@db4) - Sketchfab waterfall rocks
b_nealie - Sketchfab pines trees and rocks
AliceVision - Sketchfab Davia rocks


So beautiful work and many amazing details!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Thanks Vakukulkan :smiley:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!


Thank you for the feature Bart :smiley:

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

This is sweet. Kind of Ian-Hubert-Esque.

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Is there any tutorial?

Very Good!!

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