so this is one of my little project,s that i,v been working on , i really don’t know why did i made it
so this is an arcade tank game just like the old time,s i want to do something defrint than usual
so i made this simple game ,
this is a video if the first 7 min of the game
the game is as this
your a tank and you need to go to the other side and to do that you,l face some enemy,s
there is the tower which you can hit it any place
there is the ground watch and this one is tricky ,you cant hit it in the roof ,it,s armored so you need to hit it in the inside
and last there is the tank and the tank move whenever you shoot at her so it might be hard to hit it
you can change your bullet type by 1 and 2
1 is short normal bullet
2 is short exploded bullet
you also can change your bullet length by TAB
which will change 1 and 2 into long range bullet,s
hope you like it this is a blend file for thous who wish,s to check it out
if you like the video like it and subscribe for more
thank you all
hi again
so i am working on finishing this project , and the last week was all about doing the game system navigation
so i made new update,s to the game vid is coming soon , but her are the thing,s that i,v been working on
10 level,s
save system for the level,s
i made the logo of the game
added 3 more new enemy,s
made new weather [ wind rain and sand desert ]
hi so last day i was working mo the game so far and it,s still not done yet , it might take 2 other weeks to finish it
there are the things that i made so far
1-i mad a wind detector that can effect your attack,s physics ,
if the wind is on your side , your attacks will be faster and wider in range
and if it,s against your side ,then your attack,s will be slower and shorter in range
2- i made a thunder bolt that block,s your and enemy’s attack,s if thy hit it
3- i made a desert storm that can make it a challenge for you to avoid enemy’s attack,s and will make it hard to detect there positions
4- i made a hover drone and it,s the most hard enemy youl ever face , the most hard enemy was the tank witch youl face the 1st thing in the demo blend" for those who playd the blend"because she can move front and back word to avoid your attack,s , here the hover drone can move front back and fly up and down , witch will make her the most hard enemy ever, she can avoid your attack,s very easily and on top of that she can fly very high so that your attack,s wont reach her , and some time,s youl just have to let her go,
hi every one
update,s are still in way, i only have 5 or 4 level,s to do, the save system is still not done yet, the rez option,s in developing
but the only thing i can say for now is that new game video,s are in way,
i think i should move this thread form here , right? it become,s a game in progress more than it,s just a game resource
how can i move this thread to work in progress and demos ?
Hi again
and i am so so sorry ther,s been a mestake in the link i added before so i just re edit the thread
it’s been a really really long time sens i uploaded the first demo test video of my latrst project thtat i am working on arcade tank .and as i sayd more update are comming soon and that time has came
this is level5 of the project game arcade tank for thouse who alrady know about it
the game is stil on working step as only some things are left to be done
As you can see ther are lots of things that havnt been made yet like the wind sound and the tank sound
the background still need to be added like adding more bildings trees ect
the new enemys that iv add are an airhover fighter a jet bommer and a smook system for the enemy tank
If you have anyting to add please do. Comment feed back is nice
thank you for your time
more are cooming soon
hi again
it,s been a really really long time sens i uploaded the first demo test video of my latest project that i am working on arcade tank and as i sayd more update are coming soon and time has came to it
this is level7 of the project game arcade tank for thous who already know about the game, but for thous who dont chick out my thread
as you sow on the video there are thing,s that i,v add to the game,some weather condition,s such like rain ,wind ,sand storm ,
the new thing,s that i,v add to the game are, a light boom which i made especially for the night level ,so you can see your enemy,s clearly, without the light boom you,l see nothing bot red light,s beem,s on each of the enemy,s excsept some of them,all of this are on level8 which thy wont be enabled tell levle8
i also made a sensor Particle boom that,explode whenever thy feel a an attack near them to avoid you any harm, also wont be enabled till level 8
the release of the game should be some where in the 1/10/2016 or may be next month who knows when thing happens
if you have any question,s please ask and feed back is nice ,
thank you for your time
hi again blender artist
so as some of you know i started making a game a long time ago using -blender game engine- you can see that above
and as i say,d before that i decided to release the game on October 2016 - and now it is, you can find the game on the link,s under,
the game is only working on windows, i am working on making it work on other OS ,like mack and ubento , so if there,s anyone who is actually working with other OS other than windows please contact me via PM so i can test the other game,s version
and yeah don’t forget to add a comment about your experience of the game tell us what do you think, and or if you have Suggestions just comment, and don’t forget to add your feed back,
feed back help us improve our self’s
you can just comment her if you are a blender artist member or if your not just comment at my DEAVIANTART home page on the link below or just comment on my face bock page,