Arcadia Falls

Current progress:

I’m planning on creating a large image based on the 3D painting from Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor depicting the fall of the sci-fi city of Arcadia at the hands of the Daleks.

This is the screenshot from the show I’m using as reference:

I’m going to put a fair bit of artistic license into this (I don’t see how I can recreate it perfectly), adding a few touches of my own. For instance, I’ll be adding in some of the Dalek fighters/drop pods from elsewhere in the episode in the foreground.

So far, I’ve made a start on modelling the Dalek pod.

There’s still a little work to be done here, and then it’s on to texturing and materials. There are a couple of placeholder Daleks in the pod at the bottom; these will ultimately be replaced with high-quality models.


  • More detail added to the shields!
  • Added some materials!
  • Red lights!
  • Fireflies! noooooooo

Latest update, modified a Dalek model I made a while back to replace the placeholder ones.

Gonna call the drop pod finished for now and move on to the city of Arcadia itself.

Testing different colours for the dalek commander - currently leaning towards the bronze & gold version.

Started blocking out the city of Arcadia itself, with the huge citadel in the centre. Eventually all will be textured and detailed etc. etc.

Hello Benjee10,
Something caught my attention in your project. I think it was this robot. I enjoyed your modeling.
I never watched an episode of this TV series but I believe you have to face a very complex job. Will you create a scene with a city?

Isn’t the name of the painting “Gallifrey falls, no more”

This will surely be one of my favourite pieces of art on this forum, keep it up! :smiley:

@CCTrevis: Thanks! Eventually I plan to have a big battle going on above the city, with explosions, spaceships, lasers etc. etc.

@GyngaNynja: That is the name of the painting, but I thought I’d call it this just to a be a bit different haha!

Today’s work. Started texturing & adding materials, plus some better compositing. I’m also redoing the spires around the citadel itself.

Nice work so far. I love the show and that episode, mainly Arcadia scenes, felt very cinematic.

I do have some suggestions for the city. The first would be adding a couple unique buildings. In the render section of the particle system you can select Use Count and make a couple of the objects appear once. The other suggestion would be to add a moat around the centre of the city. You can kind of see it in the painting along with a long bridges that connect it to the rest of the city.

Keep up the good work.

Cheers! Hope I can do those scenes some justice, I saw it in the cinema and was totally blown away!

The citadel does have the moat and bridges, you just can’t see them due to the buildings, though I’ve changed the angle in the latest render. I’ll definitely try to model some unique buildings, as well as more variations on the current ones - I currently only have 5 different models, so you can see where they repeat pretty easily.

Still to do in this scene:

-Finish the citadel
-Make the mountain look at least sort of realistic
-More variation in buildings
-More detail in buildings
-Various greebling
-Floor texture
-Lights in the city and floodlights on the citadel
-Assorted fireballs, explosions and smoke clouds

Added some new buildings and some monorail-like structures, as well as texturing to the floor and some minor lighting changes. The mountain looks better now as well. Also found some better reference photos from Milk VFX’s behind the scenes clip:

I have attempted to become a fan of Dr. Who for a long time, but have been unsuccessful. I do like this artwork though and the linked video was very interesting. Will be watching your progress here.

Cheers! Doctor Who’s kind of hard to get into, it has pretty complex plotlines so half the time even fans don’t know what’s going on haha!

Latest update:

Added lasers, dalek ships etc. etc.

If your central structure becomes detailed, this would be so awesome. Good progress!

Hey! Not fare! I wanted to create that as well! XD

Let us know when you are finished. Please make the original hi-res digital file available for sale…would like to put this in my office…like a painting…can you make it 3D like in The Day of the Doctor?