Archipack 2.8.0 for Blender 3.+ / 4.x RELEASE

Basically last selected object define next one parent at create time.
This means that you have to select eg a camera to start a new level, or duplicate reference point by hand.

On code side, archipack simply rely on parent / child relationship with reference point to consider other objects.

The home is far from end, windows colors are not “standard” so we have to wait for the factory to build them. Until then inside work can’t be done (as people here may steel every single piece of metal as soon as it is done) - you know the lower the median incomes are, the higher metal worth.

Ya, I sure do – materials theft is a huge problem here as well - thieves particularly go for the copper in the wiring and plumbing – Good Luck, hope things go well for you


Hey Stephen:

Im not totally sure what went wrong, but he project I was working on has become unstable – for example when I try to extend a wall, the slab changes shape to all kinds of funky shapes etc – I suspect b/c it was started on 2.90 and im now in 2.91 with changes to the plug ins as well that has contributed to it.

Since I am starting new, can you give me a quick crash course on how to set up the project properly – in this case it will be 3 levels, basement, First Floor and second floor. The footprint of the basement and first floor are identical, the 2nd floor footprint is somewhat different than the other 2


Hi Tim,
Auto-synchro feature does not like small too segments, 2.3.3 improvement now allow to disable it globally, by doing so the slab will no more move according changes in the wall.

For levels with same walls you may duplicate using the reference point tool to do so, if openings change between levels use a “copy” so they remains independants. If they are identical, you may go with a duplicate as collection.

Cool – will do – im just setting up the new files now – thanks for the help – do you happen to hang out on discord or IRC or something like that anywhere?


Hi Stephen,

Thank you for the release 2.3.3.

Are you planning to collaborate with Andrew Peel to make Archipack Pro compatible with Home Builder in the future?

collaboration will take place at some point as both systems have stenghts and weakness, and combination seem a logical step forward for both.


Sounds great! :smiley:

That would be outstanding news!
Looking forward for that!

Hi Stephen,

I have this situation, frieze on the wall. I made it whith a Finihs with 3 different elements with different heights and withs. So far so good, even i did variations with 2 elements instead of 3 on the same wall.
Problem comes with the frame out and sill out that are taking the overall wall with + the finishing with. I tried with offset but does not work so far. Is there a way to fix this?



Window are expected to cut finishings !
In order to achieve such result, use a molding instead, you may even set molding as custom wall if you need holes on it.

Thanks Stephen!

Window are expected to cut finishings !

I know :joy:, but to create the frieze and cornise finishing was the easy way IMHO.
And the only problem I have is the projection of the Sill and out Frame, window cut it perfectly. So maybe would be good to have posibility to adjust this independently. I will try with floor molding, but I tried and so far it does it insdie automatcly so ill need to move all points.

Please take this on a good way :slight_smile:


Hey Stephen,

Thanks for another release!

I am not sure if this has been asked yet but is there a way to convert the kitchen models into 2D? When I export the layout as an svg the kitchen does not show up. I would use the section tool except that it only gives you the one plane instead of all the vertical geometry.

The top view wireframe is essentially the look that I would like in the svg if possible.


Create a “section” object, and rotate so it is parallel to xy plane, move slightly up and generate the lines, then rename section target (lines), move up again to “capture” top cabinets and generate section again.

Okay thanks! That opens up quite a few doors for me!

Also, is there a quicker way to add all of your measurements for the floor layout? I have been selecting the outside walls and clicking Multi Dimension in the Create tab but sometimes when I move a window on one wall one of the other dimensions disappears. Am I supposed to use one dimension for all sides somehow?

At this time there is a “know issue” with dimensions linked to wall, removing last one on edit.

Okay gotcha. I will just make custom ones in the meantime. Thanks!

Hi Stephen,

I need to do some outside frame (Like 2nd photo) to that arch I have created with holes. Is there a way to do it like with windows or I should do it manually?


Hi Pato,
Hole does not provide any geometry, but would generate the frame using a “standalone” window (small button beside “Window”), remove unnecessary foils and probably kill archipack parameters on the frame to do so.