Archipack 2.8.0 for Blender 3.+ / 4.x RELEASE

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Hmm, unable to repro here, try to save + restart blender and reload.

Stephen thanks!

The same thing ill remove and reinstall the addon and le you know.



Uninstall and install again the addon solved the problem!


About this Stephen, please? (please see original post for full description)

Am I understanding something wrong about how to use or the intended purpose?

F key should create a surface from “union” of polygons, you may try the “o” or “u” key to create a line from selection in order to understand what happen.

So shouldn’t the Union of one single polygon be a filled surface like the union of two or more? (just semantically the union of one with nothing is one, the union of two is one that includes both, of three…etc)
Why is it an empty?
(yes, I know the outlines work, but that is little advantage over just converting the curve to a mesh and “F” filling the edge ring)

I guess 2 vertex are touching somewhere at an angle. The fill function of the addon rely on “cookie cutter”, so i guess something here is wrong.
Union will only take outline so a closed polygon with inner one inside (like floors with surrounding walls) will result in wall’s outlines where selection “O” key will output both.

I gave up on that part for now because I couldn’t get it to work in any workflow I tried but I will revisit this later. Is there a tutorial anywhere on how to either revert the walls back to normal “rectangular” shape once you place a roof and they scale vertically to meet the roof slope? Or for that matter, is there a guide on how to get the walls to meet a roof edge if you create one from a curve or plane and want to snap the walls and roof together with a custom roof shape?

When you create a door or window that has multiple segments, it appears there is only one handle created. Not the manipulator handle but the actual handle you would open the door. Whats the best way to create the other handle without messing up the associated data within Archipack? You can see both the door and window in this case only have 1 handle each.

Hi Stephen,
I have a small problem with my wall construction. When I draw the wall in one go, the blue bar is displayed at the bottom and I can close the wall with the ‘C’ key. (Right representation).
But if I want to close the wall afterwards, no blue bar is displayed and I cannot close the wall with the ‘C’ key. When adding wall 6 manually, the wall ends overlap and there are problems with texturing.
How can I close the wall cleanly afterwards?
Thank you very much.

Wall provide a “close” parameter, so in your selected wall sample, draw only 5 segments and enable the close parameter.

Hi Stephen,
I did what you wrote on the right side. I only did 5 walls and enable the close parameter ©.
But on the left side I went out of the “wall function” after the fifth wall. How can I resume the wall function later and close wall 5 with wall 1. (The blue status bar with the close parameter “c” does not appear).
I hope that my description is understandable.
Thank you very much.

In the right panel of 3d view (shortcut N) enable the archipack tab, you’ll find wall’s parameters and the “close” parameter for wall.

I have found it. Thank you. But it is not so easy to see at first glance that the “close” parameter is for closing the wall.

Hi Stephen,

One question, I have these holes, Material should be the same all the way on the inside part, but even changing to any index, I think starts from 0 does not reflect that result on the render or viewport, meaning I can not control the materials inside the hole. I would like the material with index 3, but not number is changing anything. I even tried to assign materials to the hole but the same result
Maybe I’m misunderstanding the concept?


Cheers, Pato

In window parameters, you are able to override material index of hoes. Holes should inherit wall’s material.

Hi Stephen!

Thanks for the quick answer.
What about if its just wall and hole?


Hole also allow to override material,
in hole / window material tab, at bottom you have “hole material auto” enabled by default, when disabled you are able to setup material indexes.

Hi Stephen!

Yes I did, but not change noticiable so far.