Archipack 2.8.0 for Blender 3.+ / 4.x RELEASE

thanks a lot!

What format do you recommend for exporting to UE4 ?I tried FBX,but the material all lost. and i tried gltf,but an ugly shadow appeared!

The wall was normal ,after export to gltf, whether you open it in UE4 or Blender, it changes

A little showing off Archipack used to model a new design in a traditional village in Greece.
I was particularly happy to have the roof tools!


Interesting design and layout, Good job.

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I use a custom shape for the roof and I have hip missing. I let you screenshots.
And how to fill with tiles the part at the right ? Using “Valley” doesn’t fill it with tiles.

You’ll find “Valley” size in the bottom of “covering” parameters, lower to 0 should fix the gap.
Don’t know exactly what’s going wrong with the hip, as edge is not tagged as border nor bottom (so they should be “up” one), i guess it is unable to properly “associate” both sides and consider each one as separated parts where hips are not needed.

Odd thing : I append my custom mesh in an empty project, slighly bevel the top edge, it works. If I do the same thing in my project, it doesn’t :(.

The valley size fixed the gap, thanks.

EDIT : it finally works in my project, I don’t know why.

Would anybody advice proper/?/ way to cut out the holes within the AP roof?

Roof provide “Cutter” 2d entity, basically 2d projection of the shape of desired hole. So select the roof, then press “Roof Cutter” and use square manipulators to locate and resize the cutter.

Thank you, sorry-I should look closer at AP’s menu…;))
Anyway: possible to adjust internal flasing angle? I mean I can cut the hole in ortho top view of the roof thus the side flasings are vertical, which is unlikely in real life…

I’m aware of real world “velux ®” like windows, but i think such things must be implemented on window side.
In the meantime, you may set cutter’s segment types to “side link” in “shape tab” so it will not generate boards on sides and you are free to add your own.

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Hello-a question re Roof cutter: copying once setup cutter does not seem to impact any more?
Do I have to define new cutter each time i want to define an opening within the roof?

You may copy as many time as needed, and once done, simply start manipulating one will update the roof object.

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Hi! I just bought the arhchipack, at the moment specifically to create a tiled roof.

Is it compatible with 2.92? I get this error as soon as I add a roof:


EDIT: same problem in 2.91.2

EDIT2: the problem seems to be specific to the roman style roof (exactly the one I need :D)

Did you download latest version using link in e-mail from ?

thank you very much for the answer, that was the problem.

Why is there an old version in the gumroad archive?

In order to streamline the update process / be able to auto-update i had to setup my own server as gumroad’s infrasctructure does not fit with my needs.

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Got it! :slight_smile: Not a big deal, was just curious!

another couple of questions :slight_smile:

Is it possible to convert the roof tiles to instances at some point, in order to limit memory usage?

Is it possible to create this kind of roofs ending?

Tiles instances is not suited for roof’s corners / openings and boolean such geometry may be painfully slow.
Use a “roof draft” as custom shape or enable Triangular ends on regular roof object.
Custom roof tutorial
Regular roof tutorial

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