Hello Blenders,
I am currently working on a building generator with geometry nodes. Not the first, not the last, one might say. Above you can see a first result, in a modern\ international architecture style.
This project is part of a wider system of generic architecture for Blender. I have been building it gradually, as I need it. As it grows bigger, I started to rethink it as a consistent system for architectural modeling. Indeed, I hope to sell the generator or generated assets if there is demand.
But first, I’d like to share our thoughts on the subject with you. Without feedback, I’m afraid I’ll get carried away in a kind of ‘systemic fever’ that will prove futile in the end.
Here’s a summary of the concept (which I’m calling open modules for the moment for lack of a proper name):
This system is a generic architectural system based on Blender’s geometry nodes.
It aims to maximize nodal versatility, from low level nodes up to modules, in order to speed up creation and prototyping. Special attention has been paid to hierarchy and nomenclature logic, to ease complexity. The benefits of this approach foster reusability, scalability and performance, while greatly reducing repetitive tasks. With this same idea in mind, I’ve chosen to keep node trees visually readable (open modules), no huge nodes with dozens of parameters.
How it works:
Basically, by generating an architectural asset from a floor pattern (mesh or generated). The main structure is defined from one or multiple floor base by structural nodes that output a ground level, storeys and a top level, each of them can have multiple sub-levels. Then it is processed through exterior and interior modules to achieve the desired look. This phase can be kept as a fully editable object, or realized into a mesh to create specific instances, in order to refine details and variety. It is up to the user to choose according to his needs.
It quickly outputs a wide range of architectural assets that can be turned to full buildings or a kitbash of sub-elements.
This system has emerging properties:
Animation: Being fully editable, this system allows animation of construction processes on multiple levels (steel structure, concrete structure, walls, windows).
As a comprehensive procedural modeling toolset: most of the low level nodes and simple modules are effective in many fields of procedural modeling. (nature, hard surface modeling, mecha, scifi)
Further developments:
In the simulation field, its clean splitted meshes can be simulated as rigid bodies for demolition animations.
An editable ruins version, for abandoned cities. I have a working prototype of it.
add a city plan tool, to generate buildings on the fly from multiple shapes (as for a geo import).
add architectural styles sub-libraries: Brutalism (Clermont-Fd edition), Sci-fi (Titan station)
Let me know what you think!
PS: there was a beta version of it: https://blendermarket.com/products/procedural-buidings-evergrande