Archviz - College in France

Hi everyone !

I found time between several customer orders, to make this shot. It’s a personal project that represents a college in the south of France, inspired from locals architectures.

Let me know what you think about it ! Have a good day everyone !:slightly_smiling_face:

Technical informations :

Blender 3.4 - Cycles

Agx color space

HDRI Lighting

Textures : Exobitart,

Addon : Photographer, Geoscatter

Models: Maxtree, 3D Shaker

Website :

Insta :


ng work

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Really nice result. Can you share your worfklow with the AGX color space?

We are proud to see our nature models in your renders! Great work! I like the lighting and framing with trees. Fallen leaves with puddles are amazing details. I am looking forward to see more