Archviz - Ecole maternelle

Hi everyone,

Here a set of new images i did as a personnal project !

I try to achieve the image quality I want. My images are inspired by studios like philipo bolognese or piotr barnak. The idea is not to achieve photorealism but to manage to develop the most beautiful image possible.

Let me know what you think about these one please. If you have some advice i will listen to them. After spending hours on images you loose the ability to see all the mistakes !:slightly_smiling_face:

Have a good day everyone !


I love this and your references. Care to share your process?

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Thank you !

I don’t know what might interest you in my process. I first make sure to model a project that has really been built, by finding the plans and facades on the internet.

Then I always use references, either real images or 3D rendering which I like. I try to work the light so that the point of maximum contrast is on my building so that it attracts attention. I then rework my rendering on Photoshop by arranging the colors, I integrate a sky, and a background. Don’t hesitate to ask me if you have more specific questions.

I really like the style, in terms of that overly bright and airy sky and feel! Very well done.

The only thing that sticks out to me is that in the second image the floor reflections are too strong for my taste. It looks like it just rained a bit and there are still some puddles that didnt dry yet. The people walking toward the building seem like it is a warm summer day though. Also, every person is walking into the building, is there noone going the other way?

Ok, now I am getting too much into details. Again, I really like both images! Well done.

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Thank you !
Each one of your observation is absolutely right i didn’t noticed that !
I appreciate constructive comments like yours :slight_smile:

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