Iam becoming to fall in love w/Blender, really. That feeling aint gonna be easy, sure, but seems to me like vine-you know: the older-the better it gets.
Came to my mind after browsing Andrew Price’s article about photoreality some idea (maybe already implemented):
Amongst many factors that fake your perception and hint your mind what you see on an image maybe real while its render in fact are EDGES of the objects. As long as it takes industrially manufactured items it justified and ok but when it comes eg. to woodcraft, hand made ironmongery and most important- buildings (masonry, concrete constructions) you never observe sharp, straight and even edges/lines. Instead you can notify randomly fuzzied, smooth and/or scattered lines.
Would it be useful/possible to implement such attribute to an object and option to switch that attribute in render pane onn/off? Or maybe its question for postprocess. exclusively? I mean objects would remain ‘ideal’ - as they were modelled in Blender, render module would treat edges of the object w/such attribute for proper ray transmission/reflection/refraction ?
Actually it should not overload rendering calculation process because such ‘yummy details’ would visible in nearest plan of the view: man’s eye would not recognize/differentiate that further than ca. 10m away, but for reality purposes it may be valuable addition. What you think?
Hmm, I think I see what you are saying. I don’t believe that this should belong to the render properties if it was in fact created, because it is dealing with the object and not how cycles bounces the rays off of it (well, it kinda is but you know what I mean). If anything it seems like you would be looking for a more advanced, ArchViz version of the bevel modifier? Because this type of change should happen at the geometry level, not the rendering level I think.
Actually I know a shading effect from mental ray and v-ray which simulates rounded edges. But as I said it’s only a shading trick (something like bump) so it doesn’t really change the geometry and so it’s mainly useable for small bevels. But the good thing is (at least in MR) it can be mapped and thus controlled. I’m not sure if this kind of effect is possible with a pathtracer, though.
Thanks for replay. No and no. Any messing on geometry level would v.quickly make an average computer get stuck, I really dont think it’d be proper (hand controlled direction)
I meant an algorithm that would introduce some randomness, variation within limited range for the lines/visble edges of an objects (after preliminary calculation render specifies visible edges, identify those marked w/this attribute and recalculates per above algorithm-every egge is defined by some function,isnt it? Maybe a reference to Freestyle idea would be a good example, where Freestyle smmes to me much more advanced process, results.
That would v.interesting to see this. I would say however-Freestyle variant that could be applied
1st -to an object (as its attribute foe further rendering/shader)
2st globally adjustable prior to render (for the whole scene)
A Freestyle variant allowing above on level of defining scale/randomness/style(sharp/smooth) of deviation from object’s wireframe
Of course a shader for renderer is also an elegant solution…but I got no idea at the moment (besides Iam still noob in material/nodes/texturing in Blender) how one could define&implement such effect.
In general-I meant visualising (without altering and complicating geometry itself) some irregularity and granularity of line/edge that remain perfectly straight on design (paper,computer etc) but they never are in reality, in close viewer’s distance (up to 10m ca).