Archviz - Sand Apartament - by CoDa Architecture Studio

Sand Apartament - by CoDa Architecture Studio

Rendering the Apartment Areia, designed by Estúdio Coda Arquitetura, in Blender, allowed me to highlight the sophistication of the materials and the sensational lighting that emerges from the lightness of the curtains.

The photorealistic rendering reveals the beauty of the finishes and the perfect ambiance, giving the space a unique, minimalist, and enchanting atmosphere.

Speaking about render stuff, the curtain posed an interesting challenge. By closely following the reference photo of the real project, I achieved a realistic representation of the fabric by manipulating the translucence and transparency nodes in Blender’s shader editor. This approach allowed me to capture the true essence of the material, bringing the project to life.

Let me know your feedback!

It was one of the projects with the most personality I’ve ever rendered.


I do like this project a lot! Great work!

The only image, that is not so great in my opinion is the second one. The wooden wall texture looks like plastic wallpaper, also the door handle is pure black.
Besides that I love the materials, colors, curtains and furniture assets. I am looking forward to seeing more of your works
Enjoy Blender

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!