Arise From your Easels


Arise from your easels to beat back the weasels and build this world anew…

Houses Building Houses, Heros building Heros, Iron forging Iron…

Step A - Houses Building Houses
A.PhotoBioReactor Makes algae from waste water and (from D)Co2 and sunlight -> Output clean water and algae(to B)
B.Solar Algae drier - > dry algae and distilled water
C.Solar Gasifier Reaching 1000 degree Fahrenheit -> to D or E
D.Generator -> Power and CO2
E. Catalyzer -> store power and C02 as Plastic (like new reprap plastic geodome houses) or fuel for future use…

Step A.1-Heros building Heros
Nurture learning, in yourself and everyone, pick up a student if you have something to teach,
Please create free networks for communication and education,
like free lesson plans that are peer reviewed by people from that industry…
Ad Hoc Mesh net Cell phone - free the data and free the world

Iron forging Iron
Build everlasting sustainable tech and make it unpatentable and free…
the fruits of the idea are here…

Let all

Eat good food
Have good shelter
Have free energy
Be educated
Be allowed education and non-bias information


To put this blandly, I don’t believe the world will end by global warming.

This is so everyone has energy, housing and can print anything out of plastic :slight_smile:

How about starting with everyone having peace, drinking water and food, which is a lack for a majority of the people in this world?

Agreed Arexma, humans need to scale back their expectations. A single pair of sneakers, rarely worn, that cost more than the income needed to support a large extended African/Indian/South American/Chinese family for an entire year is an abomination. Entitlement is a selfish luxury in this day and age. My atheist grandfather would often invite destitutes to lunch, much to the horror of my God fearing grandmother, telling her in his thick Afrikaans accent “There but for the grace of God, go I”.

My idea can filter their waste water, and make food…
from what is currently wasted…


It’s not entitlement, competition is what makes us work for 50+ years ON NOTHING

if I am fed, energized, educated, and can communicate… I can collaborate on good things, rather then fighting you for a sandwich to eat… or sell?

I would like to order 1000 einstein’s please with a side of newtons :slight_smile:

Interesting concept.

But for what reason?

So everyone can have time to grow and help each other grow, with skills and education,

we don’t need to compete,
we are past that now

What do you mean by we are past that now?

You can’t just assume that plastic can be used to everything, because for one thing it will always be inferior in certain areas like electrical conductivity and indestructibility under heavy loads.

Try making an electrical device like a phone or an appliance out of nothing but plastic and you’d be hard pressed to even get something to work.

A single pair of sneakers, rarely worn, that cost more than the income needed to support a large extended African/Indian/South American/Chinese family for an entire year is an abomination.

A major reason for the state of a lot of third-world countries is because they have governments who oppress the people and take most of the aid for themselves, to fix the poverty situation in those areas means you have to first fix the people at the top.

As for India and the Chinese, the economic development there and the easier flow of aid means that a lot more people are being helped and lifted out of poverty then say, Zimbabwe. It might seem selfish that one spends his money on expensive items if there are people in the third-world barely getting by, that’s where it becomes out obligation to give some of our income to those in need, even if it’s means delaying or avoiding a purchase of that fancy new item that just came onto the market. (the priciest items aren’t always the best ones anyway and those expensive sneakers will still wear out just as fast as the cheaper ones)

Fipel -

Conductive plastic -

Plastic solar panels -

this is not to print everything, just most of what we need, to live and be fed and warm, the rest can be earned,

Also note that some algae can make very strange compounds, like medicine etc…

note that algae ARE nano-machines… self assembling to boot

and also about communications,

the military is doing what I was talking about

Adhoc MESH NET cell net

I too think, as plastics are made from crude oil, it’s a good choice to build our future on it… rolleyes

this is made from algae, read please

Which brings us back to the water for the people topic :smiley:

the algae sequesters C02 while processing waste water INTO FRESH WATER, you can’t beat this with a stick, because it is all good :slight_smile:

this is a closed loop, like nature and the food webs…

please take a moment to grasp what I am saying,

A.PhotoBioReactor Makes algae from waste water and (from D)Co2 and sunlight -> Output clean water and algae(to B)
B.Solar Algae drier - > dry algae and distilled water
C.Solar Gasifier Reaching 1000 degree Fahrenheit -> to D or E
D.Generator -> Power and CO2
E. Catalyzer -> store power and C02 as Plastic (like new reprap plastic geodome houses) or fuel for future use…

So self assembling micro solar panels - otherwise known as algae, Process waste, make more algae, and clean water,

The algae is then ripped into a billion tiny pieces by thermolysis, and then fed to a generator, the generator then sends it’s exhaust through the photobioreactor…

the only gain is sunlight, and the only loss is heat though inefficiency…

So assemble - breakdown - assemble - breakdown

the only change here is the input and output energy…

start making plastic, and you are storing excess co2…

So again, think about it, then come back and poke holes, right now your not even hitting the ballpark :slight_smile:

What about countries that can’t rely on steady sunlight or warm enough temperatures for large chunks of the year?

Super Artic = use wind :slight_smile:

also there is 55 all year round under you under the permafrost,

if it’s -55 on the surface that can produce amazing amounts of power,

You seem to fail to see that there is a large amount of people in this world which have virtually no water at all, and the little waste water they have is actually their drinking water…

this system, allows for the processing of waste water, to MAKE CLEAN WATER and algae, this algae is then dried using the sun, this extracts distilled water from the algae, the algae then THERMOLYSIS into C02 and H2 @ >700 degrees f, at over 1000 it will not drop tarballs, so you can catalyse long chain monomers, and isomers and polymers…

like Diesel, gasoline and plastic - all made from storing Co2…

instead of making these, I could just run it through a generator and make power and send the exhaust back to the photobioreactor, to be re-sequestered

it’s a self assembling solar panel, that just happens to be made by nature -photobioreactor

Solar Dryer

home madegasifier using fire (I want to use the sun and some big plastic fresnel lenses,