Armarture Modifier is disabled skipping apply

my armature modifer is disabled for some reason. cant apply it. ive read that you need to apply it in order for the pose mode to keep its position in edit mode. right now its very fraustrating to me that the pose mode keep reset on edit mode and also despite the hand is parent to the bones with automatic weights the bones dont move together with the hand when i move it

Hi. It’s probably because Object field is empty. You need to point the modifier to the Armature object.

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its empty like that on all the modifiers, i cant choose anything

And you have an Armature added to your scene? (and why do show a curve modifier now?)


i showed it just to make an example how in (some) of the modifiers the field is empty. it wasent in the armarture, i was able to apply it all but it dident changed the fact that my pose switch back to its original state in edit mode

If you aim to just see the armature effect in Edit Mode, you don’t have to apply the modifier (that way it will permanently stay in the pose, and that is not always desirable).
Instead you can enable On Cage and Edit Mode options.


That said, it sounds like you have trouble with parenting, or weight painting, or something else. From your description, I can’t quite figure out what’s going on.
In simple scenario you need:

  • a Mesh Object with weights and a modifier (with Armature in its Object field), it is a child of the Armature object;
  • an Armature, a parent of the Mesh.
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Yeah and the field will be empty forever if there is no armatute in the scene… (i don’t understand how showing a different thing can help in solving the original question…)…
I also don’t understand:

But then:

So it suddently worked… problem solved…

But i will show the original state in edit mode, for posing there is pose mode (except if enabled as @stray said).

Okay no i get it: I didn’t understand the headline. Sorry. :person_shrugging: