Armature Actuator in the Logic Blocks

I was wondering what the Armature Actuator does? Does it allow for multi armatures like in particle apps (fire, smoke and etc…).

All Actuators perform an operation when activated.

The ArmatureActuator “runs” the armature. The BGE will run the armature the same way as you see it in 3D preview. In other words: the bone contraints, IK-Joints and other “behavior” will be calculated.

It does not play an action. (To do so you need to use the ActionActuator - which runs the armature too).

When is this useful? You can use it when you want to update the armature after changing constraint targets (e.g. IK target).


You have a target bone, the left arm is following via IK. You add a Copy Location constraint making the bone follow a target object.

In 3D View you can move the target object and the hand will try to follow it.

When you move the target in your game you will see the target object moving, but the hand will stay where it is.

You activate the Armature Actuator (you just need to activate it once).

Now the hand will follow the target object the same way as in 3D view. (Btw. it does not matter how you move the target object).

When you deactivate the Armature Actuator the Bone Constraints are not calculated anymore and the armature will not animate.


in some cases, this actuator doesnt work. instead, play an animation on the armature. a single location keyframe on the root bone at 0,0,0 should do.

cases being possibly: add object, libload, or other linking method.

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Is this similar to function for “State” used to play animation. For example, the enemy get hit with projectile of the hero, it plays the “stun action?”

you should watch some bge youtube tutorials.they will explain it better.