armature falls in sideways S-curve offscreen/predictable crash/entering actions

Three questions about the attached .blend game for any kind souls who have answers.

Using Blender 2.5a.

  1. The three cubes (rigid bodies with no armatures) fall onto the plane as nice as you please. The purple character, who has an armature, “falls” offscreen in a weird S-curve shape. Armature is dynamic, character is static. I took out all the logic bricks thinking I had messed them up, but it happens with no logic bricks at all. I considered making the armature static, but I want gravity to affect the character.

  2. When I test-play the game once and exit, it’s fine; when I test-play a second time and exit, Blender crashes, every time. Is this a problem with my game or have I found a Blender bug, or is there some known issue with this? Do others have the same behavior when you run this game on your systems?

  3. Cannot figure out how to enter an action into the Action actuator. I select the armature, add an actuator, type the name of an action into the actuator (the armature has “static”, “kick” and “walk”) and as soon as I hit enter, the action name disappears and the box just says AC:

Thanks for any help you can provide.


gametest.blend (280 KB)

1: Either make the mesh “Ghost” by hitting the toggle button in the physics settings or set the physics type to “No Collision”. The armature and mesh are currently both physics objects and are continually colliding with each other since one is inside the other. Setting one of them to ghost or no collision resolves this conflict. No collision leads to faster execution since it is not considered by the physics at all, but if you need to detect it with rays or anything else then it will need to be static ghost.

2: I can run this many times with no crash. :confused:

3: Not entirely sure what’s happening there… I could put the walk action into the actuator fine, and I bone parented a cube to a hand bone of your armature and it moves in the game according to the swinging hand of the action. The armature is definately playing the action, it’s just not deforming the mesh… Just found the problem. Change the order of the modifiers in the modifiers stack so the subsurf is at the bottom. Delete the duplicate armature modifier too. :wink:

A couple of things…

Subsurf will be slowing your game down. It’s a good idea to apply it to the mesh.

All scaling should be applied before running the game (all scales = 1) since scaling can mess up the physics in the game engine. Ctrl+A on armature and mesh to apply scaling.

You might want to play with the “bounds” in the physics settings.

If the character’s physics bounds are overlapping the ground when the game starts then it will either fall through or fly off again. :wink:

Good luck. :slight_smile:

Hi Funkywyrm,
Thanks for the help. Setting the mesh to “No Collision” did fix the sideways flying problem.
Crashing: I tried running Blender from a terminal to see what the output upon crash was. It doesn’t crash while running from terminal! Not so far, anyway. Odd.

This actuator problem is still occurring. I understand how to connect actuators to mesh… problem is that, literally, I type the name of the action in the actuator box and it vanishes. I type this

and hit enter, and get this

Current version of .blend is attached.
Thanks again


gametest.blend (411 KB)

What version of Blender are you using? When I use Blender 2.55 r23762 for windows from, I get a popup list containing all actions on the armature that I can select “walk” from and don’t need to type anything in the action actuator.

When doing this and setting the end frame, the animation plays fine. You are nearly there. :wink:

When entering an action you can start with a letter and hit <ctrl><tab> Blender completes the name until there are more than one possibilities. When you enter an action that does not exist, the name will completely be removed.

Blender (at least since 2.49) crashes if there is output to the console but no console is present. Usually this is not a problem as blender starts with a console.

Hi Funkywyrm and Monster,

I am using Blender 2.50 alpha on Ubuntu Studio Linux 10.04. The Linux version of blender doesn’t start with a console, which may be why it is more stable running from a terminal?

I tried tab completion while entering an action. It does complete the name of the action (if I type w it comes up with walk) but then, when I hit enter or click outside the window, “walk” goes away and turns into “AC:” So now I know that the actions really are in the armature and accessible…

Appreciate the help.

thanks, hreichgott

I’d recommend you download a more recent version of Blender since there have been a load of bug fixes since 2.50 alpha. If you’re cautious about downloading builds from third party sites then you can get the latest official beta from (url says 254 beta, but the links are for 2.55 beta) is a community run site where people upload their own builds for people to try out. People download the source regularly and build it themselves so recent builds from graphicall have all the latest features and bug fixes. You can also get builds of experimental Blender branches there (such as the render branch, gsoc branches, particles, bmesh, etc.). Since 2.55 beta has been out a few weeks, recent builds posted on graphicall will have quite a few bug fixes even compared to the most recent official beta, and will have a great many bug fixes compared to the alpha you are currently using.

Blender is small (about 60Mb uncompressed, 20Mb download) and doesn’t require installing (just run the executable from it’s folder) so it’s quite common for users to have multiple versions that they can choose from. I for example am a casual user and have 2.45, 2.47, 2.49b, a bmesh build, several older builds of the 2.5x series and the one that I’m currently using which is fairly recent, but could probably do with being upgraded since bug fixes are coming in thick and fast.

Basically, there’s no reason not to get a more recent version. Multiple Blender versions can coexist on a hard drive with no problems. If you’re concerned about not being able to use your file in a more recent version then don’t be… I’ve already tried it and it works just fine, and without the bugs. :slight_smile:

Thanks Funkywyrm. I tend to be automatically shy of beta and bleeding-edge, but will give a newer version a try since I am experiencing bugs with alpha.
I knew I could count on the blenderartists forum!