
My friend, Chris and I are in a friendly (obviously) competition to create really awesome armor and render it. Mine’s done.

Wow, that looks great! But whatever light you have coming from behind seems to be too bright, and it makes it too hard to distinguish some of the features of the armor.

Thank you! Yeah, I’ve had that said before. I don’t know, maybe it’s a phase I’m going though, but I like high contrast and bloom. I could make a version just for you though :slight_smile:

please do i would like to see the details :slight_smile:

I think the light works really well. Good effort.

What sort of lamps and setup did you use to get this effect?

@RudeDood: I shall render it for you :slight_smile:
@solerous: Thanks! I actually just used a sun lamp with a touch of environment lighting. I got the bloom effect by adding a glare node, then cranking up the contrast and brightness in post pro!
Wires, anyone?

Gosh. You win. Tell your friend I said that. This is awesome!

LOL Thanks! I should show you his when he’s done. If he doesn’t mind.

And here is Chris’. I must say it is formidably cool.

Both are very cool!
the attention to detail is very consistent but the effects seem to be overpowering the actual image which is the only thing bad i can say about it without nitpicking lol.

On which image, good sir? Both?

The first one is fixed so i guess I’m referring to the other one. The glare is a little overpowering imo.

On the guy’s left claw?

Yeah but other than that, sometihng also feels a bit iffy. I mean, the detail is there… but it just seems mellowed out… if you know what i mean?

Nehh… You still win… To me… :slight_smile:

Both are really awesome. But there’s something about machine guns that make me feel so warm inside.

Lol! Well thank you :slight_smile:

How do you folks like this version: