Arnold for Blender, first working version

i have switched to the arnold renderer but i can still see your settings as mine

what if you create a new material ?

I have same settings when i do create a new material

I can see the materials, but see nothing when I press F12. I just created a simple plane, added the shader (there´s no shift+F3 nodes) and when I render I see nothing. The rendering viewport stays blank. I am in Arnold shader.

Hey, sorry I’m back. What version of Blender are you on/did you try deleting this material and adding a new one? I’ll look into this, it appears to be a bug.

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Just a note to you guys, I’m working on the node system, as well as many other things. I’ll keep you posted as things get updated, but things like IPR and viewing buckets as the image is being rendered currently do not work, once I have finished the display driver this functionality will be available, until then:

  1. Ensure that progressive rendering is turned off
  2. Ensure all objects in scene have a arnold standard material
  3. Ensure you are using either Arnold disk or Arnold area lights
  4. Transmission and Emission don’t appear to be casting proper reflections/etc. I’m working on this as well
  5. The rendered image should show up in your \blender folder as output.png

Be sure to disable the node system for now, just use the shader settings on the materials panel for now, also the IPR within Blender’s viewport does not work yet, check out the above post for more information, and if it still isn’t working for you, you can email me at [email protected]


If I get 5 likes for this post I’ll go ahead and move this into a new thread if that helps keep this discussion cleaner. Feel free to report bugs on github as you find them, you can do this by:

  1. Visiting the repo here
  2. Click “Issues”
  3. Click “New Issue”
  4. Write out a detailed explanation of the bug
  5. Submit

This will help me weed out these bugs a lot quicker, thank you very much guys!


Hey @tylerfurby i’m using blender 2.79b and the latest version of arnold. but i can seeem to work with the materials panel, just one shader and its the diffuse just like the screen shot i shared. thanks

Thanks, to prevent crowding this feed any more, can you email me?

If I get 5 likes for this post I’ll set up a slack channel for this plugin :slight_smile:


Sure let me pm through mail. thanks

New thread is here, we can continue this discussion here: Arnold for Blender!

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Let’s try to avoid multiple threads for this. I’ll go ahead and close this one if the other is the one you want to discuss in.

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