Array convector

Array modifier has two offsets options. You can choose “Relative”, Constant or even both.
So if you want to jump from one to another you need to do some math.
It’s will be great if we have the option to convert Relative to Constant and back. Or if two checkboxes of offsets are turned on, to convert them into one of the options.
So it’s simple stuff, but I just start learning the Python.
I start to write some code, but I stuck and I need some help. The “Relative” option is working together with the object “Dimension”. Which you can get from Sidebar–>View–>Transform with the selected object. But, “in array modifier code”, relative offset gets Dimension size without modifier turn on.

So what I need for my code to tun it’s to get object Dimensions, without modifiers value.


import bpy

active = bpy.context.active_object

relative_x= array.relative_offset_displace[0]
constant_x= array.constant_offset_displace[0]
dimentions_x =active.dimensions[0]
relative_y = array.relative_offset_displace[1]
constant_y = array.constant_offset_displace[1]
dimentions_y =active.dimensions[1]
relative_z = array.relative_offset_displace[2]
constant_z = array.constant_offset_displace[2]
dimentions_z =active.dimensions[2]

array.show_viewport = False

if array.use_relative_offset == True and array.use_constant_offset == False:
    array.use_relative_offset = False
    array.constant_offset_displace[0] =relative_x*dimentions_x
    array.constant_offset_displace[1] =relative_y*dimentions_y
    array.constant_offset_displace[2] =relative_z*dimentions_z
    array.use_constant_offset = True
elif array.use_relative_offset == False and array.use_constant_offset == True:
    array.use_constant_offset = False
    array.relative_offset_displace[0] =constant_x/dimentions_x
    array.relative_offset_displace[1] =constant_y/dimentions_y
    array.relative_offset_displace[2] =constant_z/dimentions_z
    array.use_relative_offset = True
elif array.use_relative_offset == True and array.use_constant_offset == True:
    array.use_relative_offset = False
    array.use_constant_offset = False
    array.constant_offset_displace[0] =constant_x+relative_x*dimentions_x
    array.constant_offset_displace[1] =constant_y+relative_y*dimentions_y
    array.constant_offset_displace[2] =constant_z+relative_z*dimentions_z
    array.use_constant_offset = True

array.show_viewport = True