Array of muliple objects

Hello everyone,

I try to model leaves of a flower.
Each leaf is group of serveral objects.
The 3 leaves have to follow the curve of the stem.

For each leaf, the objects have an empty parent “Feuille empty”.
Then i made an instance on a plane “Plane Feuille”.
When i set 2 modifiers :

  • array of 3 objects
  • curve on the stem

The problem is that when the curve is applied the original leaf is still visible in rendered image.

On the following screenshot, i put a red rectangle of the leaf that i don’t want to appear.
You can also see the outliner and the modifiers of the plane.

Thanks for the solution

If you use the “old” parent and instance on face trick… then you can make you instancing object invisible…

Thanks for your answer.
I just found the solution you decribe.
When i don’t use the empty “Feuille empty”, the object disappears :+1: