Artefacts afte rusing boolean

Hello guys! I encountered a problem after trying to applay a boolean to my mesh.

I can’ really understand why is it doing this, so I would be grateful if you could help me with some guidance.

I attached the file of it also.
Main_Body_02.blend (1.0 MB)

You can’t bevel ngons, booleans make n-gons. Get rid of the bevel modifier

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Thank you for your reply.
I tried what you were suggesting, the issue still there

all right, anyway, I’ll just cut it into 2 pieces, that way I wont have problems, right?

There were 2 problems:

The order of the modifiers. When you put the solidify modifier before the boolean it creates an Ngon on the “cut face”. You need to put the solidify after the boolean, that way you do not create the Ngon (which will not subdivide well)

I also used a simple squashed cube for the boolean cutting object (your shape was subdivided and creating unwanted verts on the boolean-ed edge). It is best to keep objects you use for boolean as simple as possible.

I usually put the mirror modifier first as well, (not sure if that was important though)

Main_Body_03.blend (137.7 KB)

I did the file in 4.0 so it will only open in 3.6 and greater.


Thank you so much, it really helped me to better understand the concept of booleans.