Arts as NFTs

ithe last 4 months my Gmail is been rained by people contacting me saying that thy wish to buy artworks as NFTs

all of thim have the same message with small changes ,
and even the things thy want to obtain aren’t that great at all !

so waht i want to know . is it a spam ? and how can i stop them from ever spamming me ?

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Happens to me as well. They’re scammers. Their place is in the spam folder of your inbox :slight_smile:


And i guess you will be paid… afterwards… when they sold it… but you must send it to them without any us of any blockchain… so you can’t prove that you made it… or they cannot send money to your country… or… or…

See ?


@scopelma @Okidoki
yes what makes me confused is that thy aren’t all in my spam !!!
and thy are actully giving me links of sites to meant them or something ! there , but i never do that , i just ignor thim ! but it became alot !!

Same for me, they’re in the normal inbox. I guess they’re using real gmail accounts not to fall into the spam filter…

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so is there a way i can let gmail filter any mails that are sent to me !?
or is it a course that i cant escape from !?

Probably some filter that blocks any email with the word “NFT” in it…?

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It’s pretty simple: "copyright law." And the various well-established businesses whose business(!) is to be sure that you are actually, fairly, paid. (e.g. in the music industry: “SESAC, BMI, ASCAP”). Don’t leave home without it."

While “the laws vary by country,” people have actually been buying-and-selling intellectual property for a very long time. (“International copyright conventions” apply …) Don’t [bother to …] play games with “newcomers” who are gambling that you don’t actually know what your rights are.

In the USA, for example, you can secure your full legal rights in about ten minutes – online – for “about $35.” And the protection takes legal effect immediately: as soon as the web-site hands you your receipt.

Once you have formally secured your legal standing, you are of course free to attempt to sell your works anywhere you can find a willing buyer … “NFT” and “anywhere everywhere else.” Just “mind your P’s and Q’s,” provably before(!) you begin to do this.

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Just filter/block them if you can. If something has to do with NFTs, one way or another, it’s most likely a scam, anyways. :slight_smile:


It’s 100% scam. I don’t remember which one, but just google it (paste parts of the e-mail) and you’ll find it all over.

btw. I don’t know if that’s just me, but I have a feeling that there is more and more bots around everywhere nowadays.


ok that was informative !
i will google it !

It’s just like a car: “if you intend to sell it, first legally prove that you own it.”

Then, you can do whatever you like. But now, you have the force of your government behind you.

“NFT,” I’m afraid, is generally a scam, because you do not know if the person who is “selling the car” to you actually has title to it. So, that’s what “copyright” really is: it’s your legally-enforceable "certificate of title." A legal claim made by you under penalty of perjury, and independently verifiable (online).

If you think that “NFT” is a marketing strategy that you want to attempt to pursue, to find a market for your property, you are of course entitled to do so. You can license it to them any way you wish.

Legitimate online brokers and resellers – for any sort of “intellectual property” – are going to begin their conversation with you by saying: "Show me your copyright." Give them the number that you got from the government website, and they’ll look it up. (You don’t have to wait for the pretty piece of paper to arrive in the mail …) For exactly the same reason that any legitimate auto broker is going to demand to see the title.

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I actually own that invisible painting that someone else thought they bought for $1 Million.

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waht i want to know , is if these messages are real or not?
are thy spam . should i go along and do what thy are saying !?

Dude. Just delete them, and move on with life.

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i know !
i can do that , but its more like rain ,
i have 6 now , tomorrow will be 12 and you can make the math !

I mean - welcome to the internet, spam email is a thing. We all get it in some form or another.


I have a spam email account for just this purpose- anytime I have to put an email in something I don’t care about, it goes to my spam email I don’t check. I also have tons of email filters on my real emails, a second phone number I don’t answer for when I have to put my number on stuff, etc. Welcome to 2024. Google Voice is free, and you can make as many email addresses as you want :wink:

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