Hello, My name is Mikael and I’m from Sweden. In this thread I will post everything from digital illustrations, traditional paintings to custom designs, ranging from WIP to finished projects.
It would be great to get some constructive criticism on my stuff from you guys. I think the hardest thing is, to find your own style and in recent years I think my imagination is getting worse and worse.
I have also recently started with 3D, and I think it’s great, but I have more experience in 2d:p
Wow really like all your stuff, That car looks like it was done in a 3D program that is great, I like the landscape type of art you done also.
The Johnny Cash picture is awesome, I find real faces very difficult to reproduce. I saw the video on Johnny Cash(and avengers another awesome picture) really appreciate it. Also great music in back ground
What can i say- i am sincerely inspired by all of them since most are arts i’m still struggling to learn Esp. with the ones on Scarlette Johansson and Johnny cash. Thanks for sharing the video btw
Buriaofplague - Wow thanks, glad you like it. I will try to do more stuff, like the cars in 3d instead of 2d. I love working with landscape paintings, but would probably have to work more with reference images.
Yeah, real faces are very hard to do. Glad you like my videos and the music in them too
The1Erick - Thanks for your kind words. Glad to hear that I inspire you:)
Here are two pictures I’ve been working on lately. The first character is very inspired by Snake from Escape from New York, the girl is just something I painted from my head. The girl is painted on my phone with sketchbook pro and the guy in photoshop.