Artwork + Screnshots call for

Do you have these in the WiP here? I’d love to follow your work :slight_smile: Looks great!

Nope, i kind of lack the time to put them on a thread and read the replies, I also have a bunch of 2D work i have to finish for my portfolio.But thanks for the comment :slight_smile:

I would like to see the models in blender raw format as well as the finished thing… too many using 3rd party software and claim it to be blender…

we do more for blender showing the raw format than pulling up in a BMW and say Ford built it… more users leave blender over frustration and run to Max3d or Maya 3d as Andrew Price said in his study of users he came across, to give blender the credit it deserves show the whole package

i will be blocked and shunned by the maya/max 3d users and true blender users will love to show the skill they modelled prior to sharing the final renders…

This is the power i love to see epic LOVE IT !!!

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This is what make people like me keep at it with blender, Seeing blender working Epic Work love it !!!

AGREE AWSOME !!! and seeing it in blender works in progress love it

Here’s mine…

hello, this is my contribution: a typical screen for architectural visualization or viewport rendering.

Is this still open? Or am I too late for the party

Some screenshots showing different tools (lowpoly modeling and texturing, dynamic topology, hard-surface modeling)-

well, here I go!

Our turn… Gollum, gollum! XD

Really great work everyone!
My stuff is not nearly as good, but here is some of my artwork anyway XD;

More of my stuff can be found here if you’re interested:

Here are some scenes from my film ‘Cold Dark Mirror’ Might be good to show some films in progress being made with blender…

A couple from me as well ->>

Just a quick question, is the gallery art going to be updated regularly. I remember the old blender gallery hadn’t be updated for as long as I knew about blender.