Ash from Apex Legends - Fan Art

Here is my latest in Blender using grease pencil.


Wow, this is incredible work! The bloom is a nice touch, it really adds atmosphere

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Thanks Joseph, I also took the lines and put them on a new layer and then blurred them to get a fuzzy line feeling. First time doing that.

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Did you by chance record any of your process? I’d love to watch your work on this :grin:

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I streamed a lot, and I keep a record of my process on IG. @humanbeing and though I don’t try to put on a good show on stream :frowning:


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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nice, love the design and style🥰

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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You honor me Sir!

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Wow! I love it!!!

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This looks fantastic! Ash is my favorite character (hence why I main her), and I really enjoy seeing great fanart like this

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