...........asking about setuping a bluprint


what is the best way to make blueprint in blender 2.41

the gauravu nawani lesson was talking about the publisher version

now would you help me with some tuts …


please i’m beging you all …

please ? give me face (that menas don’t ignore me)

my problem is that when i use the BG method the vieports views the same location not right left side front < etc


There are several ways to do this. I found a tutorial on this but I can’t find it anymore (oh bugger). I looked for another one and there is a reply to a post in 2004 that explains it:

Who wouldd have thought that a reply to a post in 2004 would still be usefull :slight_smile:

This is about the exact same thing I do when I set up my blueprints in Blender. you do need the blueprints for each direction before though

thank you slepnyrl for helping me with the 2004 post , bweho

you do need the blueprints for each direction before though

what do you mean ? yes i will use 3 directions

What I think the simplest way is:

Go to http://www.the-blueprints.com, find a good blueprint, and then save it.

Open up blender and split the 3D view in half, and load the view, and then select background image, and then go Ctrl MMB and Shift MMB to move the blueprints until you can see the front and side.

no the problem is that when i move the view the model will be then wrongly traced

This is what you are trying to achieve right? That’s what the post from 2004 explained how to do.

This is what seems to work for me with blue prints for cars.

  1. Download a blueprint with four views, top, side, front and rear.
  2. using your photo editor crop each individual view seperately and save each individual view.
  3. Open up blender and split the views into four sections, Top#7, Side #3, Front #1, Rear ctr#1.
  4. Load each individual view as a background image in the corresponding view. Don’t worry about size and location yet.
  5. Go to the top view screen and add a cube to the center of the blueprint and scale the individual sides to match the end and sides of the vehicle.
  6. Then you have to start moving the background images to match the location of the cube. Once you get the side view image aligned with the cube then you can scale the height of the cube and the you go and move the front and rear images to match.
  7. Once you get the images where you want them delete the cube.

I’m sure I missed something but here is a screenshot.
Hope that helps.


oh thank you too much ,

i have enhanced my info

my final request

can some one post a .blend file for a scene similar to the image wich is attached and another one with a wip car , i will search now

and if anyone have or saw something like this tell me … thanks