Asset Libraries Search Depth

I’ve been experimenting with the Asset Library system, and I noticed something that might be a problem for me.

When you add an asset library, Blender searches in the folder and it’s subfolders for *.blend files that have assets marked inside them. At least that’s how the documentation describes it.

However in practice, at least I think it does, it has limited search depth.
What do I mean by that? Consider the following Setup:

C:\Assets\Blenderassets\Client A\Assets\Materials\Materials.blend

What I would WANT to do would be to add C:\Assets\Blenderassets as my Asset Library, since that would search for all the *.blend files in a folder that I specifically set up to contain Blender Assets.

However, it doesn’t do that. It does go 2 folders deep, but not deeper. So anything inside C:\Assets\Blenderassets\Client A\Assets or adjacent folders is found, anything beneath that isn’t discovered.

I can’t find any mention of this anywhere, so I assume this is either a bug or intended behaviour, like a maximum search depth of 2 subfolders.

Can anybody confirm or deny this?
