Asset library 'Current file', bug or feature?

I just saw that when I create a new .blend file where I have registered an asset library that I get the empty catalog structure of the “neighboring” files (sharing root or subfolders), even when I click ‘Current file’ - and I am able to edit them.
Does ‘Current file’ not mean that I should see only assets (and asset catalog structure) of the file I am in, and nothing else?

To clarify: I only see the catalog structure, but no assets, of the neighboring files. I can delete the catalogues, and when I thereafter open the source blend file for that catalogue the catalogue has been removed and all assets have been moved to the ‘Unassigned’ label.

The buggy thing is that the unwanted catalogue structure is not immediatly visible. In the asset browser it is first empty under ‘Current file’ when I create and save a new file (which makes sense to me), but when I click ‘All’ (and see all assets, as expected) and then back to ‘Current file’ I get the empty catalog structure, and the ability to modify it.